Testimonials + Stars

I would like to insert into the Testimonials field rating stars. If necessary, also as a picture. Although I can insert a path to the stars in the text field. However, the stars are then displayed above the profile picture. How can I paste this under the text box?

Hi there

Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your question :slight_smile:
“I would like to insert into the Testimonials field rating stars” - Sorry but there is no such option in the theme :frowning:
Please provide url and i will take a look at the star inserting problem

Good Morning,
unfortunately it does not work with the theme. Therefore, my idea simply to display a picture with 3, 4 or 5 stars. But the picture (which I already showed above) will then be placed over the profile picture. Actually it should be in the text box.

Here is the URL:


I hope you are doing well today.

You could try usng one of the following plugin to add a testimonial with a rating:

Best Regards,