Text shadowing on Jumbotron in Illdy child-theme won't work

I’m unable to use text-shadow for the titles/text on the Jumbotron images in each of my pages in Illdy theme.
I am using a child-theme to save modifications.
I’ve tried Customizing > Additional CSS and also have tried
Customizing ▸ Front Page Sections > Jumbotron Section > Title/Entry [Visual/Text].
When I modify the text in the Text tab, most things like color changes and font size display in the Visual tab and are successfully brought into the text over the page image.
But when I try to use text-shadow in the Text tab, it properly shows the text shadow in the Visual tab but it never is brought into the text over the page image.
Site is idlworld.org

yes i have the exactly same question. Want to add text shadow/drop shadow on my jumbotron headline and under the small text entry. Thanks!

yea like this with mine too, see Test text

Problem solved.
Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

/Text shadow on header/
#header.header-front-page .bottom-header h1 {
text-shadow: 4px 4px 8px #666;

Hello there,

I got to this issue a bit late but regardless, nice work finding the solution.
Please feel free to contact us again in the future regarding any other issues.

Best Regards,