The problems are still there in spite of the update


Thanks for the last update, but unless I’m mistaken, nothing changes. The problems identified by the users are all still present :frowning:

Hey there

Which problems? you have to provide a description of the problem, link to the page, and a screenshot if necessary, without these I can’t provide any help :slight_smile:

  • display of testimonials (no slider)
  • the meter
  • the hamburger menu on cell phone

I’m having the same problem. The menu on mobilephone is not clickable… I have this problem now for two weeks and thought this would be solved after the update, but its still not working :frowning:


I think it is related to both of you.

Could you please temporarily disable your cache plugins or at least disable JavaScript minification/combination to see if that resolves the issues.

These issues do not appear to be related to theme nor WordPress 5.6

Oh thank you! It worked :smiley: I used W3 Total Cache plugin. I guess I have to find a new cache plugin? This one is disabled till it is updated. Thanks again!

Just skip the JavaScrip minification/combination because it usually breaks JavaScript functionality for themes and plugins. You can use the rest of the functionality for that plugin.
W3 Total Cache is a good plugin. We prefer WP Rocket for our sites but it is rather expensive and might not be worth the upgrade since it does the same but only has a better/simple user experience.

excuse me, may I ask, how we can see if the JS function breakings while minify JS?


You can see sich errors in the developer tools of the chrome or any other browser