The support forum is not user friendly

Need contact us, for the support forum as well. where after purchasing the templates we can check for our queiries directly.

query 1 - After purchasing a template i could see the description as it’s a free template - why is that so. Of it’s free what is the 19$ is for.

Query 2- Also i wanted to know, since i have purchase it, can i make the changes in copyright from colorlib to beetri.

Query 3 - None of the button’s functionality is working. Say - shop now, add to card, remove from cart.


Hi there

Answers to all your questions

  1. template is the same, you are just purchasing the right to remove the footer credit, so, you just need to remove footer credit from the theme
  2. Yes, you can
  3. Its an html template, its only the frontend and not the backend, you need to implement it yourself
