Theme and customizer update broke site elements and sections content


Thank you very much for a great looking theme.

I have run into some trouble after the last theme (as well as illdy customizer) update. I am using a child theme to do all my edits and keep them safe.

My site is still in development, and the URL is:

The first issue occurred with the initial Illdy customizer update. It broke the theme to the point where the custom page did not open and cutstom content could not be changed when it was still appearing.

This issue has since been resolved by updating to the latest version of Illdy and also the customizer latest version.

What has happened though is that this update has removed some of my content as well as making style changes. Could you please assist with getting my site appearing the way it was pre-update?

The issues I am having are as follows:

On the Static Front Page:

  1. The Top Three Title words (with the full stops behind them) were styled using custom css. This has now completely changed and gone wrong. The three words must please appear above the 2 Buttons and the short text blurb.

I also need to change the size of the 3 x words.

  1. The next section (with the full width black background) starts with “You might be an artist who would like to introduce yourself and your work here or maybe you’re a business with a mission to describe.”

I please need to remove this text.
I have used the Widget for the ‘About us’ section to edit the text to display what is shown under ‘About Us’ , however the top section of text I cannot get rid of. Please assist with that.

3.) The next section with the full screen video background has a thin white line beneath the video and a black bar of around 50px high below that. How do I remove the black bar so that the end of the video sits above the start of the testimonials section without the black bar?

This black bar also appears on other pages created before the footer as a thick white bar between the last section and the footer. I please need to remove this white bar,

  1. My testimonials and their images have dissapeared. I have activated the ‘testimonials’ in jetpack, and I can see a testimonials sitting in my sidebar widgets.

The testominials section on displays a thin bar with my background below it and no testimonials. Please help.

  1. All my custom page titles for other pages have changes from the beautiful bold white text (with the colour dot next to it) to plain grey text that looks thin and very boring.

Please help me support, to get the page headers looking the way they were with the dots.

Thank you for your assistance, I am quite concerned as my site looked almost ready to roll out (barring a few small points) before the theme update, but is now looking a general mess.

Thank you.