Unable to edit slider

My Travelify theme website has the slider. www.thelifestyledigs.com Yes, the theme is current.

Obviously in the past I’ve been able to add slides and edit. Now I’m unable to do that. I can get to the section where in the past I’ve been able to edit the slider and can see the current selections. Beside the #5 slider there is a + so one would assume I could add another slide, but I can click on it forever and nothing happens. I’d like to change a couple of the slides, but when I type in a new number, I do not have an option to “save changes” and I’m pretty sure there used to be one there before. If I click the “Publish” button, the changes don’t stick.

I hate to think I’m stuck with the current selection for eternity! It’s been at least a year since I last changed the slides. Any suggestions on what’s going on and why I can no longer make changes to the slider?

Hey there

So sorry about that, slider problem was already reported here: Slider is not working · Issue #37 · puikinsh/Travelify · GitHub
we are doing theme updates and it will be updated as well
