Unable to regenerate thumbnails after Updating to Colorlib last version

After updating to colorlib last version (Version: 1.3.3) I am unable to regenerate thumbnails using the pluggin “Force Regenerate Thumbnails”, it fails in every single picture. For this reason the images in the main page (in the grid) appear in different sizes (the first two pictures used to be bigger in the previous version and I would like to be the same as they were).

Furthermore, I would like to know if there is any option to align the grid (titles, pictures and excerpts).

Thanks in advance,


Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

Could you provide an image of the error message given in the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin?

As it goes for the grid, the theme does not have an option built into it to change the grid so you would have to edit it with CSS code.

Best Regards,

Hello there,

Thanks for your quick reply. I have finally manage to regenerate thumbnails (using the old plugging), the force one is not working on the last wordpress update, don’t know why. However, the first two pictures from the grid are still crop, Is there any way to show them full size (picture attached).

Regarding the grid, I try with CSS code.



To not crop those images please try using the custom plugin solution shared in the following topic.


Hi there,

I have done what you suggested and now the whole web is not working, it appears the following message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘activello_theme_image_size’ (T_STRING) in /usr/home/whenaudreymetdarcy.com/web/wp-content/plugins/colorlib-divilab-plugin/colorlib-divilab-plugin.php on line 10

Could you please have a look?




I have solved the error through FTP, however I cannot find the divilab pluggin anymore, and am unable to install it again as it says the folder already exists. Any solution?

Thanks in advance,


Using FTP please delete the plugin directory colorlib-divilab-plugin in plugins folder of your WordPress install and then reinstall the plugin.