In the customizing of the Menu - i chose Menu name, marked as primary menu, and i start adding Items - Custom Link . I add in the URL the #name - and the navigation label. when i publish the changes, it does’t work when i click on my menu- for example Contact to get me on the Contact section of the page. Can you please help me? i need my website ready for today. Thanks a lot!!
Hey there
Please always include a direct link to the page into your message, I can’t check the website without it.
Regards thanks
Hello, did you manage to check out my site? can you please suggest why the buttons are not working “Despre noi”- #About + “Produse”- #Projects + Servicii #Services + “Contact” - #Contact-us (description is in Romanian language but it doesn’t have anything to do with it- i also tried with the translation in English and still not working)?? I just created them as described in the Illdy Documentation Point 10 - Illdy Theme Documentation - Colorlib . Thank you!
Also “Servicii” and “Contact” buttons below the header menu are not working- they should take me to the Services paragraph or to the contact paragraph.
Hey there
Can you please provide your admin details in DM?