Weird issue when viewing my site from a Safari browser

When I view my website from a Safari browser (mobile and desktop) on top of my posts there is a weird empty square like form a missing photo and the photo address is for example:;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

This is the exact post in this example:
All other browsers don’t have this issue

Can you help?? Thanks in advance!

Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out.
Relating to your query here, could you perhaps try deactivating third-party plugins in place and check whether the issue is resolved. If so, try reactivating them one by one to identify the conflicting plugin.

Please keep us posted on the outcome here.
Best Regards,

I have tried that, but not change whatsoever. After a bit more research, this only happens on the posts from the portfolio. Normal posts and pages are not affected.

Hello there,

What operating system are you using? Is it Mac or Windows?

Best Regards,

Mac with OS High Sierra 10.13.6

Hi there

Can yu please post screenshot from your device?

Here it is. It doesn’t show the missing image icon as on a desktop Safari. But the empty square is still there.

Hello there,

Please use this plugin to clear your WordPress cache then reload the page to see if the issue persists:

Best Regards,

No change after installing the plugin :frowning:


Ok, i know, this is featured an image of the portfolio, its added or not? if the image is not added please add it and check again, most probably this is happening because featured image is not attached to the post