What happened to the Theme Options?


I used to add and remove images to the Homepage Featured Slider by going to Appearance > Theme Options. Now, the Theme Options choice is gone, and I can’t find where to add or remove slider images. How do I edit my Homepage Featured Slider? My website URL is lacanterajewelry.com.

Also, how do I edit the name of my website? I used to be able to do this in Appearance > Customize.

Thank you!

Hi @gold2day,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your questions.

The theme options are enhanced and replaced by the theme customizer which you can find on the following path. You will find all the old theme options in the new theme customizer.

Admin Area -> Apperance -> Customize

You can add or remove slider images by creating a Post or Page and add featured image to it. Then add all the Post ID that you want to use in the featured slider on the following path as shown in the attached screenshot. Post ID can be found at All Posts table in last column.

Admin Area -> Apperance -> Customize -> Travelify Featured Slider -> Featured Post/Page Slider Options

You can edit the name of your website from the following path.

Admin Area -> Apperance -> Customize -> Site Identity

Best Regards,

Thank you! That was very helpful and told me everything I needed to know.

You are most welcome here :slight_smile: