Where to enter Sub-Heading Code for "Last Posts" Widget

Hi Folks,

i have a Sub-Heading Pluggin installed for my Blog. The code to implement it into a template file is

<?php the_subheading(); ?>

Some Months ago i managed it to implement it to the activello theme. But had to change the hoster and they did obviousely several unwished changes to my blog. Unfortunately i also lost some data, but that´s another problem.

Could someone of you please be so kind to tell me the php-File and the position where to put

<?php the_subheading(); ?>

in so that i can see it within the Last Posts Widget?

Many thanks in advance and kind regards


Hey there,
I hope you’re doing well today

The file you should look into is header.php line line 46 where you see <?php activello_header_menu(); // main navigation ?>
Be sure to back your website up before making any changes to code.

Best Regards,