Why my website lost the "css or styling" after activating w3 total cache

Hey, Today i have purchased Maxcdn to enhance my website speed.

Currently my website is on wordpress hosted under hostgator. I am using “activello” theme.

For setting up maxcdn with the w3 total cache plugin I activated the “w3 total cache plugin” on my wordpress site but unfortunately, it was not loding with css. It was just an ugly HTML page without having any styling.

Please help me out …what could the reason and how can i revert back to my original website with styling.

Hi There,

Thanks for the mail.

It’s possible that there is an issue with W3 total cache plugin. Kindly contact the W3 Total Cache plugin author on the following page to resolve the issue.

Hope this helps.

Is Minimize CSS activated in W3C? Then try to deactivate that.

Hi there

This can be only a problem with the plugin configuration, please check it :slight_smile:

Yes I have same problem, when I try to increase the speed of website to min css and js , site got cracked . It does not load properly. But when I check the speed in GTMetrix it cross the 90% mark - Here is the test results - h

I did the test for this site - and activate the Autoptimize plugin thats worked fine for me.

SO you should also try this.

Hi there

LOoks like this there is a conflict with the W3 total cache plugin, so, stay on the Autoptimize or try other caching plugins :slight_smile: