Widgets Disappeared: social and subscribe and instagram

Please help.

The widgets are set to the sidebar, and they were working fine… but now all of them have disappeared!

Widgets on sidebar:
Activello Social Widget (Doesn’t appear)
WDV About Me Widget (Appears)
Activello Categories (Appears)
Blog Subscriptions (Doesn’t appear)
Recent Posts (Appears)
Google translate (appears)

Also, at the bottom, I had the social media icons appear and they are gone too.

Widgets on Footer - Social Media Icons (Doesn’t appear)

I am trying to launch my site but can’t because this sidebar and footer issue I’ve run into :frowning:

Close out.

Nevermind, It was the cookies blocker. (palm to face)

Ok, I will close this case now, Feel free to contact us again if you have other questions
