XML sample data for Dazzling WordPress theme

Is there an XML file available for the dazzling theme?

Thanks as always for prompt and helpful replies.

I don’t have any special XML data file created but below you can see file that I just exported from Dazzling demo. I am not sure how well it will work but most of the details should be there.

Thanks Aigars!

I appreciate everything you are doing to help. Have a great one!

Hi Aigars,

The file is no longer available. Is it possible to make it available again?
Actually I’d like to use the layout of the Dazzling demo under the slide : Homepage widget 1 & 2 with the posts (I don’t know the widget you use).


I am using post page for home page so there is no homepage widgets visible on theme demo.

I have Call For Action section enabled right below slider.

Theme demo data is available here.

When I activate the travelify theme I have no contents. How do I upload the Travelify demo content? Is there an XML file or do you have another option.

And the link you provide says: Sorry… The download isn’t available anymore
How hard is it to just give the demo contents.
Is not what a theme is all about?

Theme is about design, layout and functionality. You have no rights to use our content (more specifically - images) on your website. Those are for preview purpose only and you have to create your own. using our images will result in copyright problems. Please read theme documentation that will guide you through setup: Travelify Theme Instructions - Colorlib

Hi, I’ve just downloaded the sparkling theme. I’m interested in using the example data to test out possible designs and I’d be really grateful if you could make the theme demo data available once more.

Just to assure you, I have no intention of using this data or your images on my live site, just simply to test the designs I am thinking of before releasing my live site with my own data and images.

Be really grateful for you assistance,



Here you can download Sparkling theme demo data.

Thank you that’s excellent. Superb work by the way.


I am downloading the Dazzling Theme.

Would appreciate if you could give me the sample data as reference of learning and start up.

thanks you so much !

Dazzling demo data can be downloaded from here.