You have bug on theme


Hmmm i did not change anything here… because i told you on beginning it is happened also on your website link (on regular default theme)…

Any update here?

Please if you can update me, if you do not know to fix it, i will need to buy other theme… Thanks.


I am sorry for the inconvenience caused here.

All of the fixes that I try to add revert back when I implement them however the demo does not have this issue.

Best Regards,

Ok, i will buy other theme, anyway demo have 100% issue. We tried from many computers demo and have bug… please remvoe that theme (so other coustumer do not waste they time).

I can record from 10 computers and 10 different phones, that you have bug on your regular demo theme. So that is proof.


I am sorry for the inconvenience caused here and I understand that you want to move to another theme.
We will keep working on the template to improve it.

Best Regards,


My friend web developer fixed for me. It is about .js fajl main.

Uploading file for future costumer with same error.

Update main.js for this theme, this is fixed patch for your theme.

// Update by Marko Babovic - //

$(window).on('load', function(){

  $('.filters ul li').click(function(){
    $('.filters ul li').removeClass('active');
    var data = $(this).attr('data-filter');
      filter: data
        var $grid = $(".grid").isotope({
          itemSelector: ".all",
          percentPosition: true,
          masonry: {
            columnWidth: ".all"

// end of update :) //

Thank you for sharing solution and sorry for the delay