Hi, I’ve got the question, which was being asked over and over again, but never answered. Is there a possibility to embed a Youtube video in a front page section?
Everytime I put the <iframe> code in code editor I can only see the thumbnail in the visual editor, not as a sneak peak on the full website, and then, after saving and refreshing the website, the code is gone from editor and movie does’t show up, obwiously. I’m wondering if it’s just a limit of the theme, a bug, some plugin blocks it or what…
Thanks for the response
Hello there,
I hope you are doing well today.
This could be a caching issue. Do you have a caching plugin installed on the site ?
Regardless, the frontpage widgets were not created to use youtube links so the way to add links there is to use iframes.
You could also try using a plugin to embed youtube videos. Here are a few:
Best Regards,
Thanks for your reply. I had no caching plugin, then I installed one after your reply, it didn’t change anything though, so I’m not sure, what the source of problem is.
I installed the video embed plugin and it works perfecty, so probem solved. Thanks
Hello there,
I am glad the solution worked for you.
Please feel free to contact us again in the future regarding any other issues.
Best Regards,