Featured Image all different sizes after Theme Update

Hi Movin,

I just updated the Activello theme and now all the featured images are the original sizes of the photos.

I am using a child theme but did not input custom css for the featured image size. I just used the default. How can we get it back? The default had one featured image size and automatically scaled the photo to fit the size- which I prefer.

I called my hosting company, they said there is a syntax error code, under class-epsilon-framework.php file.

I’ve attached photos of the image size changes.

Hope you can help.


Hey there,
Hope you’re doing well today

That’s weird.
Kindly try clearing your cache and see if that makes any difference. I’m also going to ask that you try using the Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin linked below to see if you can regenerate your images:

Please let me know if this helps :slight_smile:

Best Regards,

Hi there,

I have the same issue after updating the Activello Theme.
My feature images on the home page have different scales and I have no idea why.
Before the updating, the width of my feature images were the same of the text below.

Is any CSS code exist to solve this issue ?

My blog : http://unpetitpoissurdix.fr/

Thanks a lot for your help,



Hey @maude,
Hope you’re doing well today

Have you tried the suggestions given in the reply above? Please try those and let me know how it turns out.

I look forward to your reply :slight_smile:

Best Regards,

Hi @Support !

Yes I tried the 2 suggestions you gave but there is no change :frowning:



I have the same problem, tried all the solutions the @support provided, it does not work…

Same issue here! :frowning:

It displayed fine for me after regenerating thumbnails using plugin Force Regenerate Thumbnails – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

Do clear cache after regenerating thumbnails if you are using any on your site.

If the regenerating thumbnails doesn’t help you you can try resolving the issue by using the attached small plugin specially developed for you that contains some custom code.

The plugin doesn’t help… :frowning:

Hi Movin.

I believe the width of the featured images are 800* — is there no code to adjust the width of the images so that it’s bigger?

@LJ I just regenerated thumbnails on your using this plugin Force Regenerate Thumbnails – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org and it started displaying fine.

Could you please check it?

Hi Movin,

Thank you for your help! That’s only a temporary fix for the featured images on the homepage (and they still look very blurry) — if you look at my link below and scroll down, you’ll see that the rest of the featured images on my site are still small…


Hope the theme developer can fix this issue as soon as possible! It’s really bumming me out!

Is there a way to go back to the old theme…before the update?

If not, can you please change the featured images on the homepage back to the original for me — before you modified them with the plugin — they’re really blurry… thank you!

Nice page LJ! You can ask the hosting company to revert back to last version before update, but then you will be using an outdated version. But I agree, please make feature image sizes back to what it was before.

Hi Movin! Thanks for replying!

I am getting error codes when the hosting company checks my activity log from the updated theme. Please let us know when the theme developer has fixed it.

Many thanks!

Thanks Vanty!

I guess all we can do now is wait it out and hope that the developer will fix this issue asap! I’ve been going back and forth all morning with the Colorlib support team and they’ve been so helpful… but nothing is working out! Hope it goes back to normal soon!

Yes, I’m just waiting too…hopefully they can fix it fast! Seems like other people are having the same problem in other posts. Please someone let us know if anything works!

Hey guys,
Thanks for keeping in touch with us.

It seems the issue has been resolved in the GitHub here:

Please have a look at the thread there and see if it helps.

Best Regards,

Can someone please advise how to create a content.php in a child theme? Thank you!

Hi @LJ,
Thanks for keeping in touch with us.

The file is attached here, simply unzip the zip file add it to your child theme folder and you should be okay.

Best Regards,

I figured it out and fixed the issue! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much!