Featured Image all different sizes after Theme Update


I followed the instructions form Github and it works. Even for the problem with the size of the two first feature images
I’m glad to find my blog again !

Many thanks for all the work you are doing here, it’s so helpfull.

Have a nice day (or night in France).


Hi Movin,

I have tried both solutions posted above with no solution.



I was able to fix the issue by copying the content.php from the parent theme and pasting into the child theme folder. You’ll have to access your web hosting account in order to do this.

Not sure if this would help, but that’s what I did to resolve the problem.

Hi guys,

Thanks for the zip file, I tried putting it into my child theme, but still no change. Do I have to install the plugin for the thumbnail ALSO in order for it to work?


Thanks for the suggestion LJ, I tried that and still have the same issue.



Hi Rob,
Thanks for keeping in touch with us.

Are you sure you’re having the same issue? Kindly provide me with a link to your site so that I may have a closer look. I’m also going to ask that you disable all of your third-party plugins and see if this issue still exists.
If it resolves the issue I am going to then ask you to activate the disabled plugins one by one and test the page to see if we can isolate the conflicting plugin if that is the case.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Best Regards,


I have put the content.php zip file you have provided into my child theme and there was no change. It showed the photos in its original size and layout (landscape and vertical). When I deleted the file, everything is back to landscape, but the first 2 are big and the rest are small.

Is the file correct?

I called my hosting company, they said the pathway of the content.php is correct.

I tried all the solutions provided multiple times, and there is no change. I have also cleared my history and cache.

The plugins doesn’t resolve the problem and the functions.php code provided in Github only made all the photos very small- although the same size. When I made the dimensions bigger, it was the same thing, first 2 big, the rest smaller.
The custom plugin code provided by Movin earlier also did not make any changes.

I am back to the original problem. Please, how do we get the original feature image to behave as it use to? Where the image automatically fit into the designated constraints.


Hey @vparadis,
Hope you’re doing well today

Adding the zip file will do nothing. You actually need to unzip the file and add the content.php file itself into the child theme. Please try that and let me know how it turns out.

After doing this, you may need to clear your caches. (browser, wordpress, etc)

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Best Regards,


Hi! I unzipped it and created a new content.php file for my child theme. Then I copied and pasted this code into it. I cleared my cache. I tried this several times. I deleted and re-created it, called my hosting site to check the file, they said everything is ok, but maybe the code is incorrect? The only difference it made was without this file, the images are all small landscape size, but with this code implemented, the original size and shape of the images display (some are landscape, some are squared, and some or portrait length). This was the code from your zip file, is this correct? Or am I suppose to put the content.php unzipped file somewhere else?:


  • @package activello

$layout = get_theme_mod( ‘activello_sidebar_position’ );

$image_size = ‘activello-big’;

if ( $layout == “full-width” ) {
$image_size = ‘activello-featured’;


<article id=“post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(); ?>>

			<a>" rel="bookmark"&gt;</a>


				"', '"', false )

			&lt;!-- .entry-meta --&gt;
			&lt;?php endif; ?&gt;
		&lt;/header&gt;&lt;!-- .entry-header --&gt;

        <a>" title="&lt;?php the_title_attribute(); ?&gt;" &gt;
                &lt;?php the_post_thumbnail( $image_size, array( 'class' =&gt; 'single-featured' )); ?&gt;

		&lt;?php if ( is_search() ) : // Only display Excerpts for Search ?&gt;
		&lt;!-- .entry-summary --&gt;
		&lt;?php else : ?&gt;


			 ''.esc_html__( 'Pages:', 'activello' ),
				'after'             =&gt; '',
				'link_before'       =&gt; '&lt;span&gt;',
				'link_after'        =&gt; '&lt;/span&gt;',
				'pagelink'          =&gt; '%',
				'echo'              =&gt; 1
					) );

			&lt;?php if( ! is_single() &amp;&amp; get_theme_mod( 'activello_excerpts', 1 ) ) : ?&gt;
				<a>" title=""&gt;</a>
			&lt;?php endif; ?&gt;

                            &lt;?php if ( ! post_password_required() &amp;&amp; ( comments_open() || '0' != get_comments_number() ) ) : ?&gt;
                                &lt;!-- .entry-footer --&gt;
                            &lt;?php endif; ?&gt;
		&lt;/div&gt;&lt;!-- .entry-content --&gt;
		&lt;?php endif; ?&gt;

</article><!-- #post-## →

Hi! Sorry, I don’t know why, but the code looks different being pasted directed into the message. But this is the one I unzipped:

Do you have the original download file for the activello theme? not the child theme, but the parent theme? i copied the content.php from the parent theme (not the one given by support above) into the child theme through the hosting admin dash, and it fixed the problem.

I can find it! Let me try! Thanks LJ!

Yayyyy! Let us know if it works out!!! I hope it will! :slight_smile:

It didn’t work :frowning:

I’ve tried everything…not sure what I’m doing wrong.

So you didn’t use the new file provided by support? Did you use anything else?

Oh no! No, I didn’t use the file provided by support and didn’t use anything else either. I accidentally stumbled upon this solution and it worked… it’s not 100% like the way it was before, but it’s not bad! Hmmm. Did you upload the content.php from the parent theme into the child theme from your web hosting dashboard? Do you have 1and1?

I have Bluehost. I copied and pasted the content.php from the parent theme into the child theme from my hosting panel (which looks the same as my dashboard stuff). But nothing has happened. It just just looks like the first two pics are big and the others are small.

Oops, I shouldn’t say copy… you have to UPLOAD the content.php file into your child theme. This might be tricky since we don’t have the same host… but let’s see if I can help you through the process! On your web host dash, are you able to access your child theme folder? If yes, can you open it and tell me what contents you see in the folder?

Thanks LJ, I just called my hosting company again, and they tried to put the content.php file into the child theme and still no good. They told me to contact the web developer…

When I go to my dash, I’m able to see ALL the code, so I simply copy the code and paste it into my child theme file. It should be pretty straight forward, I think there’s something wrong with the code? Maybe it is conflicting with other CSS coding in child theme?

But you said it’s not 100% like it was before?

I really hope Support can help…

Hi guys,

LJ, you were right! I was using the content.php file from the updated parent theme with no solution. The provided new content.php file did not work either.

I ended up using a backup version of the theme BEFORE the recent update and put the old version content.php file into my child theme and it worked! This is only a temporary fix though because I’m using the outdated version content.php file. But for the mean time, the featured image is the size it use to be with the same quality.

Hopefully the next update will resolve this issue.

Thanks for the help!

I’m having the same issue and am getting a bit confused with all the solutions!
Since the recent Activello update most of the featured images as not displaying full width as they used to - but as randomly sized thumbnails. Here’s an example on my site - https://traveleatexplorerepeat.com/category/explore/
As far as I know I’m not using a Child Theme.
I’ve tried deleting and reloading the pictures as one thread suggested but no luck - any other ideas?