how to change the copyright text in the footer

hello all together,

i have a simple question, I hope:

how can i realise, that the text “powered by wordpress” is no longer visible?

thanks for answers


Copyright information is located in footer-extensions.php which you can find in theme folder - library - strucutre


thank you very much for your answer.

What should I need to change in the footer-extensions.php, to remove the text “powered by wordpres”

in the code there is only show ( ‘Powered by’, ‘travelify’ )

Thank for help

A part of the Code:

add_action( 'travelify_footer', 'travelify_footer_info', 30 );
 * function to show the footer info, copyright information
function travelify_footer_info() {         
   $output = '<div class="copyright">'.__( 'Copyright &copy;', 'travelify' ).' '.'[the-year] [site-link]'.' '.__( 'Theme by', 'travelify' ).' '.'[th-link]'.' '.__( 'Powered by', 'travelify' ).' '.'[wp-link] '.'</div><!-- .copyright -->';
   echo do_shortcode( $output );

Excuse me, I have solved the problem, thank you. Best regards

I am glad you already fixed that

hi,when i change the copyright in theme folder – library – strucutre,the website will have a mistake like this

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')' in /home/cnwind/domains/ on line 35

can you help me ?

i will leave your url ,but i want to change the style!


You have removed crucial parts of this code which breaks it entirely. As you can see PHP/WordPress expected bracket “)” but got comma “,” instead.

Style such as color, font size etc can be adjusted via CSS. If you have specific requirements for footer, I can write this code for you as long as you leave link back to my website. You can remove link to WordPress if you like.

i have do it!

Dear all, i would like to remove Theme by Colorlib Powered by WordPress and like to leave it blank.

please can some one guide me step by step to solve this problem

Thanking you all


Thank you for a great template…

  • Where can i find: theme folder – library – strucutre ?

Couldnt find it under any appearance links, nor in the editor
