How to link menu to scroll down to parallal sections in front page

I am trying to link my menu labels to scroll to the parallax sections from the front page. But it does not work. I have been reading topics about it in the forum and also followd tips from the support team (bar menu link to homepage widget), but still does not work.

I have activated the CSS on the menu, and also added to it the parallax id for each section, but does not work as I have been noticing that the ID section changes everytim I publish. For example, if the ID section of “Servicios” is shapely_home_parallax-2, after a while it changes to for example shapely_home_parallax-5
Could you help me to sort that out? it seems I am almost there. Thanks
My site (still on very beggining) is:


Hi there

I can only see the coming soon page and cant replicate your problem, can you please disable it?


Really? I have my website published. So, then it might be somethingelse… What is that I need to disable? I will have a look to see if I can find out how to disable this message and I let you know


You only need to disable Colorlib coming soon plugin :slight_smile:

Done :wink:

Hoping for a sollution in the scrolling from my main menu to parallax sections of the front page.


Hi Leila

Please check this ticket: Page jump doesn't work - #27 by aytac it is a bug and one of our user resolved it in Github repo, you can replicate the fix on your site too

Thanks. I already saw that post a few days ago. I see there is some new info. I will try with this github. But to be honest to you, I am a very normal lay user, not IT specialist at all. I am just trying to do my website first draft as I can’t pay anybody right now. And this is a bit complicate for me. I will try anyway. If I can’t, I will just change template or buy one more “done”.

I defenitely don’t have a clue on what to do. Thanks anyway