Remove 'Powered by Wordpress'

Hi guys,
I’m seeking info. on how to remove the Cololib and powered by Wordpress links completely from the footer.

Please see my previous post link. :


Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

You can use the following CSS code to remove the copyright information by going to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and pasting it there.

/*Remove copyright*/
.copyright {
    display: none;

Best Regards,

Hi @otherwhirl,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

You can just hide it by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS option of the latest version of Sparkling theme on the below path.

Admin Area -> Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS

#colophon .copyright {
    display: none;

Best Regards,

Thanks for the reply.

Actually I want to remove these links from the entire theme,not just to hide them.

How can i do so?

Thanks again!

Hey there,

To do this will require modification of theme files which is beyond the scope of support provided.
I can only provide you with the file and line you need to edit.
If you have know coding knowledge kindly recruit someone to assist you with this.

You’ll need to edit the extras.php file located in sparkling > inc, line 208-211.
The function generating this code is

 * function to show the footer info, copyright information
function sparkling_footer_info() {
global $sparkling_footer_info;
  printf( esc_html__( 'Theme by %1$s Powered by %2$s', 'sparkling' ) , '<a href="" target="_blank">Colorlib</a>', '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress</a>');

Hope this helps. Please ensure to back up your website before making any changes to code.

Best Regards,

You can remove it easily by using child theme solution shared in the following topic that contains some custom code.