How can I edit the footer links and add icons to navigation bar?
I know I can do this but can you tell me which files to edit as this theme is different from default WordPress themes where we can directly edit it from footer.php, header.php
How can I edit the footer links and add icons to navigation bar?
I know I can do this but can you tell me which files to edit as this theme is different from default WordPress themes where we can directly edit it from footer.php, header.php
Icons inside navigation via child time might be a bit tricky. You can use this example for copyrights to understand how this editing works.
Create a function.php
file inside your child theme folder and add the following.
// Replace copyright information from footer-extensions.php
// Remove old copyright text
add_action( 'init' , 'remove_copyright' , 15 );
function remove_copyright() {
remove_action( 'travelify_footer', 'travelify_footer_info', 30 );
// Add new copyright info
add_action( 'travelify_footer' , 'new_footer_info' , 30 );
function new_footer_info() {
$output = '<div class="copyright">Your new copyright information. Thanks to <a href="" target="_blank">Colorlib</a></div>';
echo $output;
I hope this helps at least a bit.
For the navigation icons you might look into since these icons are already in theme and you can add them via content: (CSS) by using Genericons shortocdes.
Thank you for a brilliant theme.
Have followed the above, and it’s worked a treat. However, how do I put a link in to another website, such as Hosted By?
You can add it as a simple URL
<a href="" title="WPEngine">Hosted by WPEngine</a>
Dear Aigars,
I have the same problem. where do i find the child theme folder? I installed your theme directly from wordpress dashboard and i am finding it difficult to change or edit the copyright information on my new website. Pls can i guide me through. I am actually new to this. expecting your assistance soon.
You have to create your own child theme and then modify. In most cases child theme consists only of style.css and functions.php. First one used for custom styling and second for custom functions. More about Child Themes you can find here:
You have added your new footer code right after echo $output;
instead of adding it right after $output =
Obviously it is not working this way.
It works. Thank you very much.
I am using child theme for the travelify theme; I have created the functions.php and copied the above code you suggested into it, however after uploading it to the root of child theme folder, it has no effect on my footer content.
Am I missing something? It is just showing the default footer content.
Thanking you in advance.
Are you sure that you have activated your Child Theme just like you would with regular theme via WordPress Dashboard - Appearance - Themes?
Firstly apologies for spelling your name wrong in my original post.
I activated another theme then went back to activate my child theme and it worked, not sure why that was, haven’t seen that before, but hey ho it worked; will remember that for the future, if I ever have a similar issue.
Thanks for the response.
Please can you tell me where on earth I am going wrong. I’m more than happy to include a link to your site as I think the theme is fantastic. I need to include about 4 links in the footer including however I can’t even manage one. I can remove the original footer info and replace it with the standard copyright however adding a link is causing blank screen everytime. Here is the code I have entered:
// Replace copyright information from footer-extensions.php
// Remove old copyright text
add_action( 'init' , 'remove_copyright' , 15 );
function remove_copyright() {
remove_action( 'travelify_footer', 'travelify_footer_info', 30 );
// Add new copyright info
add_action( 'travelify_footer' , 'new_footer_info' , 30 );
function new_footer_info() {
$output = <a href="" title="BWD">Designed By BWD</a> '<div class="copyright">Grant Ley</div>';
echo $output;
// Replace copyright information from footer-extensions.php
// Remove old copyright text
add_action( 'init' , 'remove_copyright' , 15 );
function remove_copyright() {
remove_action( 'travelify_footer', 'travelify_footer_info', 30 );
// Add new copyright info
add_action( 'travelify_footer' , 'new_footer_info' , 30 );
function new_footer_info() {
$output = '<div class="copyright">All rights reserved <a href="" title="BWD">Designed By BWD</a> Theme by <a href="" title="colorlib">colorlib</a></div>';
echo $output;
Don’t ignore those tiny primo symbols ‘’
at the beginning and the end of your code. They are crucial and without them code won’t work.
I would really appreciate if you could leave a link back to my website.
Thanks your a star, great service, fantastic theme!
(Sorry for the duplicate post)
Hi there! Could you please tell me how to do the same (remove the powered by wordpress) with the sparkling theme? Thanks!
@spadilla Related code can be found in extras.php
file which is located in theme folder - inc.
I would really appreciate if you would leave a link back to Thank you!
Hello Aigars,
Your theme is great
I have issue with the footer as well.
I installed travelify-child folder in themes (1)
installed style.css in the travelify-child folder (2)
installed function.php (3)
I did activate the theme (4)
I had some changes in the layout because there were some mistakes in my style.css. I fixed that, layout is ok now but the footer stays unchanged.
I hope you can guide me.
Thanks in advance.
Theme Name: travelify-child
Theme URI:
Description: travelify child Theme
Author: Apic Waterverzachters
Author URI:
Template: travelify
Version: 1.0.0
Tags: light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready
Text Domain: travelify
@import url("../travelify/style.css");
/* =Theme customization starts here
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Replace copyright information from footer-extensions.php
// Remove old copyright text
add_action( ‘init’ , ‘remove_copyright’ , 15 );
function remove_copyright() {
remove_action( ‘travelify_footer’, ‘travelify_footer_info’, 30 );
// Add new copyright info
add_action( ‘travelify_footer’ , ‘new_footer_info’ , 30 );
function new_footer_info() {
$output = ‘<div class=”copyright”></div>’;
echo $output; Apic Belgium</a
Where can I get the original footer-extensions.php? I messed with the file and now my website is no longer working fine. Thanks for your help.